Well, since the new year began we have been busy with school and work. We recently got back from skiing in Colorado. We had a blast! I took Russ down most of the blacks...LOL...He wouldn't let me go down them by my self...heaven forbid I out-do him! ha ha
Just a little quote: Rusty:"you think we can do this one....you don't think it is too steep for us?"....Me: "Nahhh" so I start going down the black and Rusty is still at the top pondering.... "Are you sure about this?" Me: "Yeah...C'mon...I'm not going to hike back up this!!..." a few minutes later....I'm sitting at the bottom of the slope watching Rusty as he inches his way down...20 minutes past...he finally makes it down... Rusty: (huffing and puffing) " oh man....that was tuff!"....Me: well.....ya ready to go...." Rusty: (still huffing) "NO!! Let me rest a while..."

The little black dot that is in the middle of the slope half way down is Russ. This was a really tuff black. It didn't help that it was fairly warm and the snow had a good layer of slush. It had it hard to cut in and out...

Go Rusty!!!

OH!! I got a new car! We weren't planning on purchasing one until May but look what happened~ It is a 2009 Honda Accord Coupe...
Here are my curtains I made for my living room with my new sewing maching my mother-in-law bought me for Christmas...

Here is a picture I found. We took this picture in Charlotte Russe in the mall...we were on a scavenger hunt for Libby's bachelorette party...

The night we got engaged!! September 22nd 2006...

Back in the day...Partner stunting...

Having a good laugh with Courtney and Grace...
Toe touch on the trampoline...pointed toes and all!!