Well, since the new year began we have been busy with school and work. We recently got back from skiing in Colorado. We had a blast! I took Russ down most of the blacks...LOL...He wouldn't let me go down them by my self...heaven forbid I out-do him! ha ha
Just a little quote: Rusty:"you think we can do this one....you don't think it is too steep for us?"....Me: "Nahhh" so I start going down the black and Rusty is still at the top pondering.... "Are you sure about this?" Me: "Yeah...C'mon...I'm not going to hike back up this!!..." a few minutes later....I'm sitting at the bottom of the slope watching Rusty as he inches his way down...20 minutes past...he finally makes it down... Rusty: (huffing and puffing) " oh man....that was tuff!"....Me: well.....ya ready to go...." Rusty: (still huffing) "NO!! Let me rest a while..."

The little black dot that is in the middle of the slope half way down is Russ. This was a really tuff black. It didn't help that it was fairly warm and the snow had a good layer of slush. It had it hard to cut in and out...

Go Rusty!!!

OH!! I got a new car! We weren't planning on purchasing one until May but look what happened~ It is a 2009 Honda Accord Coupe...
Here are my curtains I made for my living room with my new sewing maching my mother-in-law bought me for Christmas...

Here is a picture I found. We took this picture in Charlotte Russe in the mall...we were on a scavenger hunt for Libby's bachelorette party...

The night we got engaged!! September 22nd 2006...

Back in the day...Partner stunting...

Having a good laugh with Courtney and Grace...
Toe touch on the trampoline...pointed toes and all!!

I love your curtians!!! You did a wonderful job. I just recently got a sewing machine and have been trying it out. I haven't tried anything big yet. I'm scared I might mess whatever I start up. HAHA! Glad to see you and Rusty are doing well.
yeah for a new post!!!! I love the curtains! I have been dying to learn how to sew, but some how I just keep gving my projects to my mom to do. ha! One day! You did great with them!
Love the curtains!! How bright and cheery. Great job.
Glad to see you posted!! I've been gone for a while too, but I finally posted. Love the pictures. =)
I need an update!! : )
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